Winter Tales

Winter Tales

Ongoing project for the winter 2019-2020. Winter tales is a photographic serie dedicated to the winter season. Living in Canada now, I am impressed every year how life changes from November to April. As nature freezes so does time. New dynamics emerge and it is as if a whole new world was appearing in front of us. A fight between bright and dark, death and life, reality and dreams.

Ongoing project for the winter 2019-2020. Winter tales is a photographic serie dedicated to the winter season. Living in Canada now, I am impressed every year how life changes from November to April. As nature freezes so does time. New dynamics emerge and it is as if a whole new world was appearing in front of us. A fight between bright and dark, death and life, reality and dreams.

Le loup blanc de Charlesbourg
The fisherman’s hut
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Surgelé Nature
Torn down
The beast
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